Wednesday, 23 October 2019

4 Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Kitchen Renovation Project

The kitchen is the center; the heart of your family’s daily living. Your day mostly start in your kitchen with a cup of coffee or energizing breakfast. Isn’t it? That’s why; it is one of the most important rooms in your home.

Before, you embark on your kitchen renovation journey, keep in mind the below tips to make your time, money, and effort well worth it.

1) Going it Alone

Even you love to do DIY, when it comes to kitchen renos in Vancouver, hire an expert. He/she can fine-tune your remodelling project, provide you with tips and advice, and may recommend you some better ideas that you had not even considered before.

2) Ignoring Storage Details

Never avoid small add-ons and pantry storage features like an extra drawer, dividers, and cabinet expansions. These add-ons will increase your kitchen storage efficiency and also save your money.

3) Forgetting Kitchen Work Triangle

When planning your kitchen remodelling project, always keep in mind your kitchen’s busiest areas like a sink, refrigerator, stove. Ensure all these areas and appliances are in well-ordered locations and coordination with one another.

4) Giving Up Counter Space

Counter space is one of the most significant elements of your kitchen. So, don’t settle for less. Learn the tricks to maximize space in your kitchen. Extend your counter workspace by adding shelve support or attractive corbels.


Kitchen renos in Vancouver can feel like an overwhelming task. But, if you use the above-discussed tips, they will help you in creating the essential framework for a successful finished kitchen renovation project.

To know more about home renovation contractors in Vancouver please visit our website:

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

4 Things to Consider Before Building a Custom Kitchen

The kitchen is the most commonly used room in the house. Making a custom kitchen in Vancouver can be overwhelming. It is essential to have a layout that fits the needs of the entire family. Apart from the luxury look of the kitchen, you must focus on the proper functioning of the kitchen.

This room of the house should be accessible to all the members of the house. Here are a few things to consider before building a custom kitchen.

1 – Chalk down your active space

It is important to consider the space that is used the most when you are in the kitchen. The dishwashing area, cooking place, and the refrigerator should be nearby as it saves time.

2 – Get the right measurements

Before building your custom kitchen, make sure you have all your appliances in place or at least their measurements. This will help in arranging and organizing them.

3 – Plan the lighting

Every kitchen needs proper lighting. Plan your arrangement according to the flow of the light and install lights that make your kitchen look bright and beautiful.

4 – Expert’s Advice

Building a custom kitchen can be challenging, consulting an expert will be of great advantage and will help you get a good job done.


It is tricky to select the right person for a custom kitchen in Vancouver. Many designs and features make your task even more challenging. Approach the right person who can help you narrow down and incorporate your ideas for your custom kitchen.

To know more about Renovations contractor Vancouver please visit our website:

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